What grips the heart will drive the actions (Proverbs 4:20-27); therefore we strive to instill within the heart of our young people a love for God, His righteousness, His Word, and His will. Every opportunity with our children will be aimed at reaching and molding the heart for God.
Our Philosophy: The Bible clearly teaches that God has given parents the responsibility to teach and train their children in the way of salvation and the truths of the Scripture. The classes we offer are not intended to take the place of parents but to be a resource and a help to them in this task.
One of the biblical definitions and descriptions of the church is a family. The church is God’s family. It is made for his children who by nature of their relationship with his Son are spiritual siblings and joint-heirs of the promises of God. As a family, we minister to families with family responsibilities. Those responsibilities include the physical and spiritual watch-care and protection of every member. The children within the family receive the same protection and attentiveness as every other member. They are viewed as God’s gifts and our heritage. As such, Two Rivers takes seriously its stewardship of children. We recognize the following principles:
The scriptures are the means in which God reveals himself to mankind. They can be understood through the simple faith of a child. They provide knowledge of salvation, produce godly wisdom, and offer a coherent worldview that corresponds to God’s reality. As such TRCC will:
- teach the scriptures expositionally to children,
- teach the scriptures comprehensively to children,
- teach the scriptures understandably to children,
- teach the scriptures authoritatively to children.
When ministry is done with excellence it communicates to all who participate that they are valued and the ministry is important. Since the teaching of God’s Word to children is precious, it is to be done with excellence. As leaders prepare and execute with excellence, children will treasure the time. As such TRCC prioritizes the instruction of children by providing resources of all kinds for successful ministry.
Since children are both priceless treasures and defenseless beings, their safety is vital. TRCC will seek to conduct its children’s ministry in a manner that provides protection from internal and external threats to their safety. This will include necessary background checks for workers, facility security, and internal practices that prioritize safety first.
Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 10:15
Individual classes are based on age/grade level.