Two Rivers Community Church is led by the Biblical offices of Elders and Deacons.


1. The Church is a flock therefore it is cared for and led by shepherds.

“Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:1-3

2. The responsibilities of the Elders:

  • Know the sheep. Each Elder is responsible for a designated number of members. They will seek to stay in touch with these members and be aware of how they are doing and how they can best pray for them. New members are interviewed by one of the Elders before they are able to join the church.
  • Feed the sheep. The Elders are responsible for the teaching ministry of the church. They will not do all the teaching themselves but must be sure that the sheep are being given sound doctrine.
  • Lead the sheep. They are responsible for the vision and direction of the church. They should also lead by the example of their own walk with the Lord.
  • Protect the sheep. The Elders are to be on guard against false teachings on behalf of the flock. They also watch over the flock in the area of church discipline.

Our current Elders are Pastor Jon Hardesty, Jeremiah Mattingly, and Steven English.


The Deacons are servants, and ministry leaders. They conduct affairs of the church as designated by the Undershepherds.

“Now at this time while the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint arose on the part of the Hellenistic Jews against the native Hebrews, because their widows were being overlooked in the daily serving of food. So the twelve summoned the congregation of the disciples and said, ‘It is not desirable for us to neglect the word of God in order to serve tables. Therefore, brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task. But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. The statement found approval with the whole congregation; and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch. And these they brought before the apostles; and after praying, they laid their hands on them.” Acts 6:1-6

Our current Deacons are Josh Lum and Matthew McGlocklin.