Current Class
While many of us struggle to understand it, the Trinity is one of the most essential Christian doctrines because it reveals the magnificent truth that the Almighty is one God, who eternally works as three distinct persons—Father, Son, and Spirit. It defines God’s very essence and describes how he relates to us. And while it can be a difficult concept to get our heads around, it is crucial for believers to understand how God explains his triune nature in his Word.
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7
Purpose: Provide a fundamental understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith.
The Plan: 12 classes have been identified as “Core Classes”. (Note below)
There will also be other classes that will study particular books in the Bible or important topics considered from a Biblical perspective.
When? The classes will be on Sunday mornings and will run from 9:00 to 10:15 am.
Each class usually continues for 13 weeks, then a new quarter with different classes will begin. Each year there will be 4 quarters with different classes offered in each of those 13 week periods.
*************** Two Rivers Institute Courses ***************
(Note: Core classes are in bold)
1. BIBLE. Old Testament Survey; New Testament Survey; How To Understand the Bible; Prophets & Prophecy; Ten Commandments; Parables; Christ in the Old Testament.
2. DOCTRINE. Systematic Theology (Baptist Distinctives); Apologetics / Worldviews; Attributes of God; Eschatology; The Church; Creation; Institutes of the Christian Religion
3. HISTORY. Church History; Heroes of the Faith; Historical Context of the Old and New Testaments; America’s Christian Heritage.
4. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Spiritual Disciplines; Basics of the Christian Life; Biblical Counseling Basics; Contemporary Cultural Issues; Financial Stewardship; Nine Marks of a Healthy Church.
5. MISSIONS & EVANGELISM. The History & Theology of Missions; The Gospel & Evangelism.
6. RELATIONSHIPS. Marriage & Family; Living As A Church; Friendship, Courtship & Marriage; Men’s Issues; Women’s Issues.